It works, but we need feedback to improve the utility of the exported file. Added provisional support for exporting FCP markers.InqScribe can now export a time code series, or all time codes in a transcript, as a set of JPEG files (5273, QuickTime only)."lay down a time code every 30 seconds" (9777). InqScribe can now insert time code series, e.g.Windows: Text copied to other applications no longer use incorrect line endings.Improved file compatibility with non-US locales.Fixed undo bug where changing the selection would not end a typing run.If you need to enable an input device after InqScribe has been launched, go ahead and plug it in, and then quit and relaunch InqScribe. While this was a convenience, it triggered hard crashes in rare cases with certain classes of devices. InqScribe no longer recognizes USB input devices (foot pedals, etc.) that are plugged in after InqScribe has been launched.The Adjust Time Code field adds explicit add and subtract options instead of requiring you to add negative time codes if you want to subtract.

The new behavior will feel natural to Final Cut Pro users and offers a couple of different ways to quickly enter time codes. The behavior of time code-specific fields (such as the Start Time field in the Select Media Source dialog) has been changed from version 2.1.Updated in-app help docs for new features.Added new links to InqScribe Labs in the Help menu and under Export in the File menu.“Skip Forward” is another new shortcut command, which lets you move the current play position ahead by a specified number of seconds.“Mute” has been added as a shortcut command.Keyboard shortcuts should respond more quickly, and a much wider range of modifier-based shortcuts are available. InqScribe now includes a preference to allow users to restore transcript windows that were open at last close.Updated volume and play rate controllers.New, updated look (with Retina support).InqScribe can now enable and disable tracks via AVFoundation and the Display Tracks dialog.InqScribe can detect timecode tracks via AVFoundation.Switch to AVFoundation media engine (from QuickTime).InqScribe should now auto-activate officially-supported USB devices.

New Manage USB Devices dialog, accessible via Edit > Manage USB Devices.Spelling may now be enabled or disabled on a per-transcript basis.Fully native text field for macOS, including undo, spelling, grammar, autocorrect, etc.